Kei Mini Trucks can be shipped from Japan by both Roll On-Roll Off or Container. If shipped by container they can be shipped by themself or with other vehicles or with parts.
Scroll down to view sample Kei Mini Truck Shipments.
- Ship Kei Mini Trucks from the Nearest Port or from our Export Centre, whichever is cheaper
- Ship Kei Mini Trucks by themselves or with Other Stock for the lowest landed cost
- Kei Mini Truck Cleaning prior to shipping means smooth clearances at your destination port without delays and expensive penalties (available by request)
There are 3 ways that Kei Mini Trucks can be shipped from Japan. They are:
1. Shipping by Roll-On Roll-Off Carrier
2. Shipping by Container with Mini Trucks only
3. Shipping by Container with Other Stock
Scroll Down to learn more about the best option to ship your Kei Mini Trucks.
1. Shipping by Roll-On Roll-Off Carrier
2. Shipping by Container with Mini Trucks only
3. Shipping by Container with Other Stock
Scroll Down to learn more about the best option to ship your Kei Mini Trucks.
Roll-On Roll-Off Shipping is where the Kei Mini Truck is shipped on a car carrier simply by driving the vehicle onto the carrier.
Normally the truck needs to be in driveable condition for this option.
- Shipping by Roll-On Roll-Off is usually the best option for shipping a single Kei Mini Truck.
- Shipping by Roll-On Roll-Off is normally not the best option for shipping multiple Kei Mini Trucks.
Up to 7 Mini Trucks can be shipped in a 40 Foot High Cube container.
With this option the trucks are collected over time and once there are enough trucks for a shipment they are prepared, trucked to the port in one batch, containerised and shipped.
Container loading is done by driving the first truck into the container, lifting up the front of this truck, and then driving the other trucks in one by one, each sitting on the tray of the truck in front of it.
This is a space efficient way to load multiple trucks in a container and is usually the cheapest option for shipping multiple trucks.
This is a space efficient way to load multiple trucks in a container and is usually the cheapest option for shipping multiple trucks.
- Shipping multiple Kei Mini Trucks that have been diagonally loaded in 40 Foot High Cube containers is usually the best option for shipping Kei Mini Trucks in commercial quantities.
- Not such a good option if you're not shipping the maximum number of trucks that will fit in the container.
Scroll Down to view examples of Containers of Kei Mini Trucks.
SAMPLE CONTAINER SHIPMENT - 7 VEHICLES: Suzuki Carry 4WD, Daihatsu Hijet 4WD Mitsubishi Minicab 4WD & Honda Acty 4WD Kei Mini Trucks in 40 Foot Container
SAMPLE CONTAINER SHIPMENT - 7 VEHICLES: Suzuki Carry 4WD & Honda Acty 4WD Kei Mini Trucks in 40 Foot Container
SAMPLE CONTAINER SHIPMENT - 7 VEHICLES: Honda Acty 4WD Kei Mini Trucks in 40 Foot Container
If you're already importing from Japan then you may be able to combine your Kei Mini Trucks with this stock.
Shipping one or two Kei Mini Trucks with parts can be particularly cost effective, since the tray and cabin areas of the trucks can be loaded with parts, which minimises the space take of the truck in the container.
- Shipping Kei Mini Trucks in a container with other stock can be a good option for commercial importers wanting to ship one or two Kei Mini Trucks.
- Successfully shipping Kei Mini Trucks with other stock is dependent on the size and shapes of the other stock being shipped. It can work well with half cuts and auto parts since the size and shapes can be well matched. However, some stock may not be a good size or shape match for combined shipping.
Scroll Down to view examples of Containers of Kei Mini Trucks shipped with other stock.
SAMPLE CONTAINER SHIPMENT - 2 VEHICLES: Daihatsu Hijet and Subaru Sambar Kei Mini Trucks shipped with Parts in 40 Foot Container
SAMPLE CONTAINER SHIPMENT - 1 VEHICLE: Classic Subaru Sambar Kei Mini Truck shipped with Parts, Tractors x 3 in 40 Foot Container
SAMPLE CONTAINER SHIPMENT - 1 VEHICLE: Suzuki Carry 4WD Kei Mini Truck, Performance engines & transmissions and Parts in 20 Foot Container